Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Strategic Recommendations Case Study Sample

Author Name: Adam Oliver
Institution Name: Jorge H. Steele

This entry was posted in on by Case Study Assignment Help

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Executive Summary

The analysis has revealed something about different types of cost strategies that can be used by TTC. From this entire analysis and discussion, it is clearly found that the position of the company is highly efficient and polarized, and they are managing the things with perfection. It is also found that there are certain strategies that might not be efficient for the company, however, certain recommendations have been posted to overcome on the challenges.


Organization is a place wherein people belong to different demographics and mind-set work together for the achievement of a single goal that was communicated to them. There is hundreds of employees work in an organization. Organizations have ben categorized according to their size, usage and capabilities. There are two main forms of organizations, such as Private Organization and Public Listed Organizations. Both of these types of highly tactful and material from the viewpoint of a company (Aladwani 2001). This particular assignment is very broad in nature, as it requires to analyze the cost management strategies of  Treasury Trophy Company (TTC), through which different perspective. The analysis has revealed something about different types of cost strategies that can be used by TTC. However, they have to select only a single one for their productivity. Some of the major pricing strategies that discuss in the same aspect are as follows.

Penetration Cost Strategy

The first cost management strategy which is likely to identify and discuss here is Penetration Cost Strategy. It is one of the most integral and widely uses Costing Strategies in the Context of the TTC. Penetration Cost Strategy is a type of Strategy in which the organizations are entitled and obliged to charge the minimum price of their products from their customers. In other words the cost incurred by the company on the managerial activity of the product is located on a lower scale that allows them to minimize their ending price accordingly (Foils man et al. 2001). This particular strategy is highly efficient for the TTCs, and sometimes suits them. It basically found very interactive for the TTCs which are entering in a new region, and number of companies is already operating there. Most of the companies throughout the world are now focusing over the same factor to apply this particular cost strategy for their betterment and development. Management of a company used this particular strategy because they are well-aware about the internal control and management of the company through which they can maximize their core potential in the market. Proper research is required prior than the implication and execution of this particular strategy on the context of a company, which is highly essential for the company to maintain their core attentiveness in the market. In short, this particular cost-pricing strategy is essential, which can work extremely well in the context of TTCs in all over the world, and its importance cannot be overlooked.

Cost-Plus Strategy

The 2nd cost management strategy which is likely to identify and discuss here is Cost-Plus Strategy. It is one of the most integral and widely uses Costing Strategies in the Context of the TTCs. Cost-Plus Strategy is a type of Strategy in which the organizations are entitled and obliged to charge the price which are marginally higher than their original cost from their customers. In other words the cost incurred by the company on the managerial activity of the product is located on a lower scale that allows them to add marginal profit over its cost (Fen wick et al. 2006). This particular strategy is highly efficient for the TTCs, and sometimes suits them. It basically found very interactive for the TTCs which are entering in a new region, and number of companies is already operating there. Most of the companies throughout the world are now focusing over the same factor to apply this particular cost strategy for their betterment and development. Management of a company used this particular strategy because they are well-aware about the internal control and management of the company through which they can maximize their core potential in the market. Proper research is required prior than the implication and execution of this particular strategy on the context of a company, which is highly essential for the company to maintain their core attentiveness in the market. In short, this particular cost-pricing strategy is essential, which can work extremely well in the context of TTCs in all over the world, and its importance cannot be overlooked.

Competitive Cost Strategy

The 3rd cost management strategy which is likely to identify and discuss here is Competitive Cost Strategy. It is one of the most integral and widely uses Costing Strategies in the Context of the TTCs. Competitive Cost Strategy enables an organization to search for the costs which are highly similar to the one like the competitors of the company. It means organizations are likely to charge the same price which have been charging by their competitors or peers (Gould et al. 2006). This particular strategy is highly efficient for the TTCs, and sometimes suits them. It basically found very interactive for the TTCs which are operating in a complex and very competitive environment. Most of the companies throughout the world are now focusing over the same factor to apply this particular cost strategy for their betterment and development due to increasing competition and globalization. Management of a company used this particular strategy because they are well-aware about the internal control and external competition related to the company through which they can maximize their core potential in the market (Noe et al. 2006). Proper research is required prior than the implication and execution of this particular strategy on the context of a company, which is highly essential for the company to maintain their core attentiveness in the market. In short, this particular cost-pricing strategy is essential, which can work extremely well in the context of TTCs in all over the world, and its importance cannot be overlooked.

Premium Cost Strategy

The 4th cost management strategy which is likely to identify and discuss here is Premium Cost Strategy. It is one of the most integral and widely uses Costing Strategies in the Context of the TTCs. Premium Cost Strategy enables an organization to apply high amount of cost over their products or services, and then sell-out the same in the maximum price (Rimbaud et al. 2001). It means organizations are likely to charge higher price than the price charged by their competitors. This particular strategy is highly efficient for the TTCs, and sometimes suits them, but it is valuable for those TTCs who are operating in a Monopoly. It basically found very interactive for the TTCs which are operating in a complex and very competitive environment. Most of the companies throughout the world are now focusing over the same factor to apply this particular cost strategy for their betterment and development due to increasing competition and globalization. Management of a company used this particular strategy because they are well-aware about the internal control and market related to the company through which they can maximize their core potential in the market. Proper research is required prior than the implication and execution of this particular strategy on the context of a company, which is highly essential for the company to maintain their core attentiveness in the market. In short, this particular cost-pricing strategy is essential, which can work extremely well in the context of TTCs in all over the world, and its importance cannot be overlooked.


There are two different products which have been analyzed and discussed in this particular aspect which are Royal Golf Club and Sterling Yacht Club. However, Full and absorption costing will be based in the Royal Club (Freeman 2010).

The first costing measure is related to the Royal Club (Full Costing) Function. The Royal Club Costing is divided into three main elements which are Forming, Finishing and Assembly. The costing of all of these elements will include the three elements which have been discussed here.     The total material cost in this particular aspect is $ 301, while the total labor and overhead cost are $ 630 and 1443.4$. The total cost of Royal Club according to the Full cost functioning is amounted to $ 2,374.40, which is quite high, and the company has to work hard to overcome on the same.

The 2ndcosting measure is related to the Sterling Yacht Club (Full Costing) Function. The Sterling Yacht Club Costing is divided into three main elements which are Forming, Finishing and Assembly. The costing of all of these elements will include the three elements which have been discussed here. The total material cost in this particular aspect is $ 65, while the total labor and overhead cost are $ 707 and 1663.4$ respectively. The total cost of Sterling Yacht Club according to the Full cost functioning is amounted to $ 3,035.06, which is quite high, and the company has to work hard to overcome on the same.

The 3rdcosting measure is related to the Royal Golf Club (Absorption Costing) Function. The Royal Golf Club Costing is divided into three main elements which are Forming, Finishing and Assembly. The costing of all of these elements will include the three elements which have been discussed here. The total material cost in this particular aspect is $ 301, while the total labor and overhead cost are $ 630 and 678.65$ respectively. The total cost of Royal Golf Club according to the Full cost functioning is amounted to $ 1,609, which is quite high, and the company has to work hard to overcome on the same. It is clearly found that the highest cost is associated with Sterling Yacht Club, comparing to Royal Club in both of the scenarios like Full Costing and Absorption Costing.


This particular assignment is very broad in nature, as it requires analyzing the cost management strategies of Treasury Trophy Company (TTC), through which different perspective. There are three different perspective of costing which has been discussed in this particular aspect. Each of the sections has certain factors in particular that may impact over TTC. The company has to make sure that they applied the Royal Club Absorption Costing factor for their productivity. However there are certain recommendations which the company has to undertake.


The first recommendation which has been proposed in the context of TTC is related to management of their cost and operations. The operational cost associated with Royal Club Absorption is the lowest as compared to other costing method. This particular factor will certainly help the company to minimize its operational cot and maximizing its financial outcome in a professional manner.

The second important recommendation that associated with
TTC is related to communication factor. There are four different stakeholders associated with the company which have been divided among two main sections. The first one is the internal shareholders, while other is external shareholders. It is important for the company to increase the factor of communication through the perspective of Management Bi Objectives (MBO) to maximize the level of communication with their employees. Moreover, the company has to arrange certain meetings with the investors that include the management and arrangement of the Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and Extraordinary General Meetings (EOGMs) so that the management and the shareholders would be in a single binding and can manage their well-being in the market. Finally, the communication factor should have been increased with the management and the customers through different measures such as questionnaires and surveys. The implications of this recommendation not only strengthen the company from their internal perspective, but also strengthen their position in front of the eyes of their shareholders. It also helps them to strengthen its financial as well as strategic aspect in a perfect manner.

The third most important regulation that associated with this particular aspect is to strengthen the internal audit function and operations of the company accordingly.
TTC can initiate the same factor by increasing the factor of proper monitoring and analysis through which they can actually strengthen their position in the market and maximize their core operations and effectiveness in a professional and ethical manner. The implications of this recommendation not only strengthen the company from their internal perspective, but also strengthen their position in front of the eyes of their shareholders. It also helps them to strengthen its financial as well as strategic aspect in a perfect manner. Hence, the company should consider and implement all the strategies and recommendations which have been mentioned here.


Freeman, R. E. (2010). Strategic management: A stakeholder approach. Cambridge University Press.

Hulland, J. (1999). Use of partial least squares (PLS) in strategic management research: A review of four recent studies. Strategic management journal, 195-204.

Pearce, J. A., Robinson, R. B., & Subramanian, R. (1997). Strategic management: Formulation, implementation, and control. Chicago, Illinois: Irwin.

Priem, R. L., & Butler, J. E. (2001). Is the resource-based “view” a useful perspective for strategic management research?. Academy of management review, 26(1), 22-40.

Thompson, A. A., & Strickland, A. J. (2001). Strategic management: Concepts and cases. McGraw-Hill/Irvin.
TCSS (6-4-2020) 

FAH (6-4-2020) 

Friday, 5 January 2018

Infineon Raceway INC Case Study Sample

Author Name: Adam Oliver
Institution Name: Jorge H. Steele
This entry was posted in on by Case Study Help


Having opportunities and development are some important aspects for the sake of an organization (Hariati, C. and Suci p. 78). The organizations which are able to have opportunities in their work ability are authentic and effective in the long run comparing to the companies which are not efficient under such circumstances. This particular part of the assignment is likely to examine the opportunities for Infineon Raceway relating to 3 to 5 years to attract possibilities.

Increasing Sponsorship is the most effective opportunity that associated with the companies in particular through which they can maintain their effectiveness. The sponsorship can enable the company to increase the income as well as strategic opportunities for the company through which they can found their potential in the market.

The promotional opportunities have increased for Infineon Raceway, as there numerous mediums have been come across such as Television, Radio and Social Media. Considering the same the company could attain economic effectiveness in the market, and can become able to expand their network with ease and efficacy in the market in the long run. The company could attain both finance assignment help well-being in the market with proper effectiveness and zeal.

Due to increasing competition in the market, the amount of the supplier has increases within the industry. This particular increment in the figures of suppliers decreases their bargaining power. Companies like Infineon Raceway has a lot of opportunities and powers through which they can easily minimize the amount of their operational cost, and resultant increases the financial potential of the company in a perfect manner. The advice to the same opportunity is higher for the company through which they can easily attain their financial and non-financial objectives in the next 3 to 5 years of their operations which would be essential for them.


There are numerous companies which are officially and actually tracking the sponsors. The names of some of the companies which are actually doing the same are Yokohama Tires, Kawasaki and Toyota.

Apparently, all of these three companies are somewhat identical to each other. Yokohama is a tire manufacturing company, which is an important element in the context of Automobiles that found in the context of Toyota and Kawasaki. Hence, the most important element that should have been used as a sponsor package for all of the selected brand is Reliability and Durability. Obviously, all of the selected companies are offering the items which are expensive, and people are not in the favor to consume these items frequently. Hence, the sponsorship that show something positive and efficiently should have been discussed in this particular context to maintain their attentiveness in the market.

The track is in in the mindset to increase the opportunities for these companies in order to retain their strategic position with the company. Otherwise it will become very difficult for them to retain their position in the market. The track has to make sure that all the opportunities for the companies are delivering to them on time, along with providing smooth ways to maximize the factor of reliability and durability. All of these sponsors are highly attractive and essential, which will certainly help the track in an efficient manner. Therefore, the track has to make itself completely effective in the long run, because it is the only key through which they can provide exceptional services to the end users, and can retain their competitive and strategic position in the market with sheer effectiveness and zeal to manage the things in a professional and ethical manner. This particular factor could be of high importance for the company and the track especially in the long run.


Apart from these companies, there are certain other companies which are not sponsoring their advertisement. However, they are potential sponsors, and can be a part of the company especially in the long run with their current potential of sponsorship. Coca Cola, FedEx and UPS are some of the potential sponsors which are not currently giving any opportunity to the company and the track.

The most important selling point for each of the company lies in their marketing capacity and the opportunity which they are likely to encourage during their core process. The companies are the one which don’t require any aggressive marketing, because they have a very big and renowned names in the market that allows them to move their arms freely in the given market. Hence, the selling point would be located on a higher level for the selected companies, especially for Coca Cola, which is a well-renowned and powerful product which has its recognition in every corner of the world. FedEx and UPS are other two important companies which are operating under the same domain to maximize their potential and effectiveness in the market.

The most attractive benefits is to get advertisement. The second benefit for the companies is to increase the financial revenue easily. The third benefit is to attain new suppliers for the company through which they can maximize their potential in the market, as these suppliers can help the companies to attract investment easily, which is again a positive and important sign for the companies especially in the long run. In short, they can easily attain with the objectives which they have in their mind to strengthen their position in the market with proper effectiveness and zeal. The same is provided by the company for their potential sponsors and increasing the opportunities for them.


Since February, the company has been growing positively in the long run. In the same year, the company was the part of the Speedway Motorsports INC. The effectiveness with the same line of the company are efficient through which they can maintain their effectiveness to maintain their attractiveness. The limitation with the same aspect is very limited, as these companies are efficient and can found a great response to the companies’ ion terms of sponsorship. The company can attain objectives in the long run effectiveness to maintain their objective in the market with proper effectiveness in the market.

Work Cited


Itō, T. and Sato, K.. Exchange rate changes and inflation in post-crisis Asian economies. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research. (2006)

(8/4/2020 article url)

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Bank of America (in 2010) and the New Financial Landscape Case Study Sample

Author Name: Adam Oliver
Institution Name: Crystal G. Collin

This entry was posted in on by Online Case Study help

  • The Case Study Help is related to Bank of America. The real challenge or business problem pertaining to Bank of America is related agility, as the bank was unable to change their strategies and requirements according to the necessities and expectations of the customers. It is essential for the companies to provide their services according to the demand and requirements of the companies, but it was not in the case of BOA. Moreover, the changing financial landscape was yet another major issue which has been envisaged by the company which has affected over their positioning and pushed them more towards the verge of the bankruptcy. BOA should realize the factor that customer orientation is the key in which they failed completely in translating the same to their business. The next heading of the report will be discussing the major recommendations related to strategies that could translate some efficiency for them, especially in the long run. 
  • Strategies are located at the heart of an organization. The organizations which are efficient in terms of managing their strategies are the one that can sustain their operations in the market with proper effectiveness and zeal. There are two different types of strategies that can be used by the companies such as Red Ocean Strategy and Blue Ocean Strategy. Based on the current economic times of the United States, and the situation of Bank of America, it is recommended to the company to use Red Ocean Strategy. Prior to the arrival of the recent economic crisis, the strategy that undertook by BOA into their consideration was Merger and Acquisition (M&A), as they were tried to merge with other banks in order to strengthen their position. However, due to the utilization of the Red Ocean Strategy, the company can get a complete idea about their recent pitfalls and potential problems that will allow them to improve their domestic commercial business mortgage function to satisfy the needs of their customers in a more secure and efficient manner. This particular strategy will allow the company to bring something new within their services and connection to compete easily and perfectly with their competitors. Some of the major competitors of Bank of America are JP Morgan, Citi Group and Wells Fargo, which have already improved their business mortgage functions that could be a sort of role model for BOA to flourish in the banking industry.
  • There are numerous articles which have been highlighted in the connection of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). Most of the articles have highlighted the reflection of the financial crunch and problems over the financial institutions. The article of Peters et al. (2012) also suggested red ocean strategy to the banks which have been affected heavily from the recent economic downturn. They highlighted the factor of re-checking the strategies and policies for the banks through which they can overcome on the problems, along with decreasing the cost of their operations. One of the article written by Chang et al. (2013) found that changing of the bank’s policies and strengthening the business mortgage function are some important provisions through which financial institutions can prevent them from the bankruptcy (Dell'Ariccia et al. 2008). One of the articles which have been discussed by Reinhart and Rog-off (2008) revealed that the combination of blue and red ocean strategies are essential, as blue ocean strategy enable the companies to increase the factor of differentiation, long with decreasing their service pricing to compete with their peers with ease and sheer efficacy.
  • Finance Assignment Help: The first element of the Balance Scorecard is Finance. BOA has attracted numerous shareholders through its high dividend payout function along with the ability to minimize the agency problem from the company. In terms of Internal Process, the bank has focused on the Retail and General banking that can allow them to expand their network positively. The third factor is learning and development. The company fosters these changes and focuses more towards the framework of continuous development and enhancement to comply with its objective. BOA should focus more on their customers, as they are the most important individuals for them.
  • The VRIO Analysis of the Bank of America is showing that the bank is highly efficient and valuable as far as managing their well-being in the market. The bank has the notion of both, the financial as well as not-financial resources that makes their capabilities very high and efficient. Apart from that their strong portfolio within the eyes of the Government, along with strong customer base makes the bank more competitive and efficient. The company has its international presence as well that will allow them to further strengthen their position in the market. However, proper communication is essential here to comply with all of these objectives with complete emphasize over the technological efficiency. 


Chang, S. S., Stuckler, D., Yip, P., & Gunnell, D. (2013). Impact of 2008 global economic crisis on suicide: time trend study in 54 countries. Bmj, 347, f5239.

Dell'Ariccia, G., Detragiache, E., & Rajan, R. (2008). The real effect of banking crises. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 17(1), 89-112.

Peters, G.P., Marland, G., Le Quéré, C., Boden, T., Canadell, J.G. & Raupach, M.R., (2012). Rapid growth in CO2 emissions after the 2008-2009 global financial crisis. Nature Climate Change, 2(1), pp.2-4.

Reinhart, C.M. & Rogoff, K.S., (2008). Is the 2007 US sub-prime financial crisis so different? An international historical comparison (No. w13761). National Bureau of Economic Research.

TCSS (4/4/2020)

FAH (4/4/2020)